Leaving Florida......

Can you believe it?! It's not even 9 months yet. I have to leave the beautiful beaches, sun shine and all the wonderful people I met in Florida. I sure will miss this place. 

Remember I mentioned how the interesting shape of Florida is and there are beaches at both the East side and West side of Florida? There's one day in my last week there, I tried this -- Watched Sunrise from a beach at the East Coast and watched Sunset from a beach at the West Coast the same day. Absolutely stunning!  


Early morning of that Wednesday at 5:30am, I drove my little Honda Civic towards the East Coast. It took me about 45 minutes to reach Cocoa Beach. And I was lucky enough to see some dolphins jumped up from the water before the sun came out. Sunrise is always my favorite as I think it means a beginning. Though I didn't have much chance to see it as it really requires a very EARLY schedule. 

After the first part of my mission (sun rise pictures and shells collecting), I headed back to Orlando and of course, took a big nap. After the eye-doctor appointment, it's about time for the second part of my mission.......


At about 3:45pm, I took off and started driving to the Gulf Coast. Including the traffic in the Tampa Bay area, it took me more than 2.5 hours to get to Clearwater Beach. Fortunately the sun hadn't set yet. Seeing sunset over the ocean reminds me of my Dorm room in College, where we had a Super Ocean Sunset scene almost everyday. Those were really happy days! And from now on, that reminds me of one more thing -- Florida.   ^___^  

And yes, I did that all by myself. Am I romantic or not?   ;-)

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Left: We also went out and played Pool in my last week. Here we have Lisa and her friend, Ed from Michigan. I didn't do very good in playing pool but we sure had a great time. 

Right: Adam and Chad. Not until I saw this picture, I still didn't realize that I am really that short. Haha!!! I thought I am at least eye-level of them..... 

In my last day in Florida, my friends had thrown a party for me. Here I would like to thank Jonathan for organizing such a great party for me and Lisa for providing the nice house for the party!  


Left: Ok, here's a 9-piece fishies puzzle that we at least 6 engineers had spent at least 2 hours together and still couldn't solve it the other night. You know, too many strategies from too many techie's heads. And at that night, Chad and I decided to do it randomly and guess what, we did it within 2 minutes. Hm... do we still need Six Sigma?? On the back, we have Anissa and Tian sharing our Joy.  

Right: After playing my favorite game PICTIONARY, it's time to open presents. Tian gave me this lovely Florida Shells decoration. 


Left: This card is from Carla. She's actually the person who interviewed me on campus. Look, that's all she had to say to me...... Haha, I really like this card. Thanks Carla. 

Right: Here are part of the happy crowd who're lucky enough to stay till the end and had the APPLE JACK Lisa and Jonathan specially made for everyone. 

Ed, Melissa, Tian, Chad, Damon, Kirk, Brad, Adam, Lisa. And those who're not in the picture - Carla, Anissa, Jonathan and Sean. Thank you very much for the warm farewell. I am going to miss you guys a lot!    

At the same time, let's wait and see how my journey of life would be in this Bayou Space City - Houston, TX. 

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